
Windows 10 Lite Edition Enterprise x64 21H1 June 2021 Team-LiL indir

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Windows 10 Lite Edition Enterprise x64 2004 21H1 En-Us Haziran 2021 Team-LiL

Küçük adam tarafından yapılmıştır (Team-LiL)

Windows 10 dijital lisans aktivasyonu


Kurulumla birlikte CMD aktivasyon komut dosyasının otomatik aktivasyonunu temizleyin.

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ve etkinleştirilmesini bekleyin. belki sorun gidermeye bile tıklayabilirsiniz

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yüklendikten sonra normal OOBE görüntülenecektir

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İnşaata eklendi

Microsoft Windows Güncellemeleri

Microsoft Çerçevesi –

Güç Planı Üstün Performans Ön Ayarı


Cortana, Telemetri


Bağlam menüsü – nfo dosyalarını açmak için Not Defteri’ni etkinleştirin

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Keşfedin – en son açılan uygulamayı devre dışı bırakın

Keşfet – Kullanıcı izlemeyi kapatın

Explorer – Simge belleğini 4 MB’a çıkar

İzci – ayrı bir süreçte çalışıyor

Modern Kullanıcı Arayüzü – Uygulamalar – Cortana’yı Devre Dışı Bırakın

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Modern kullanıcı arabirimi programları – Onedrive entegrasyonu devre dışı bırakır

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Modern Kullanıcı Arayüzü – Kilit ekranını kapatmak için mesafeyi azaltın

Başlat menüsü – Son eklenen programları devre dışı bırakın

Başlat Menüsü – Önerilen Önerilen Kullanıcı Arayüzü Uygulamasını Devre Dışı Bırak

Sistem – Bant genişliği kısıtlamasını devre dışı bırak

Sistem – Büyük sistem depolamasını etkinleştirin

Sistem – Disk kontrol süresini iyileştirir (5 saniye)

Sistem – Durma hızını iyileştirin

Sistem – Windows Kabuğu Yanıtını İyileştirin

Sistem – Masaüstü başlangıç ​​programlarını başlatmak için gereken süreyi azaltın

Görev çubuğu – şeffaflığı artırır

Görev çubuğu – Meet’i şimdi kaldır

Sanal bellek / takas dosyası – 3000 MB – 4000 MB

Kaldırılan / devre dışı bırakılan özellikler

3d jeneratör

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3d görüntüleyici

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Modern Soğan – Yeme İçme

Modern Soğan – Sağlık ve Fitness

Modern soğan – Bing haberleri

Modern kullanıcı arabirimi – Bing Sport

Modern kullanıcı arayüzü – Bing Travel

Modern Soğan – Hava


Çerçeve (Reklam SDK’sı)

Çerçeve (insanlar)

Çerçeve (telefon görüşmesi geçmişi)


OOBE (kısa)

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Bir not

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Zune Videosu


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OneDrive çevrimiçi yedekleme

Uzaktan Destek

Harici bir ofise bağlantı

Uzak masaüstü (hızlı yardım)


Engelli hizmetleri

ExperiencesBağlı Kullanıcı ve Telemetri – Devre Dışı

Kredi: aktivasyon mektubu için

Microsoft WindowsAddict etkinleştirme komut dosyası

Kısa url –

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Windows 10 Lite Edition Enterprise x64 21H1 June 2021 Team-LiL

Rating 33 3

  1. Windows 10 Lite Edition Enterprise x64 21H1 June 2021 Team-LiL torrent
  2. Windows 10 Lite Edition Enterprise x64 21H1 June 2021 Team-LiL torrent indir


Activator CMD Windows 10 1809 and Office 2019 indir torrent

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– Klasör, Windows 10 ve Office 2019’u 180 gün boyunca açmak için cmds içerir

C2R-R2V klasörü, Office 2019 perakende satışını toplu lisansa dönüştüren cmd içerir

eğitim eklendi!

Office 2019 ile Windows 10 CMD Aktivatör – Mayıs 2019

Bu nehirde ne var:

Office 2019/2016/365’i perakendeden hacme değiştirin

– C2R-Retail2Volume-2013 ++. 7z

Office 2013’ü perakendeden hacme değiştirin

Windows 7/8/10’u etkinleştirin

Windows Server 2008R2 / 2012 / 2012R2 / 2016/2019’u etkinleştirin

Office 2010/2013/2016/2019 Birimini Etkinleştir


Bu araç tarafından etkinleştirilebilecek / etkinleştirilemeyecek tüm Windows ve Office sürümleri / sürümleri hakkında ayrıntılı bilgilere bakın.


– Tüm anti-virüs programlarını devre dışı bırakın

– Diğer yazılım çıkarma araçlarını kullanarak 3 paketi de ayırın

– Yönetici olarak çalıştır:

– İsteğe bağlı: Bir Perakende Ofisi 2019/2016 kurduysanız, şuradan çalıştırın:

– İsteğe bağlı: Office Retail 2013’ü kurduysanız, C2R-Retail2Volume-2013 ++ kullanın. 7z

– Windows ve/veya Office Etkinleştirmesinden çıkın

– Bitti.


bu yöntem, Windows ve/veya Office’i 180 gün boyunca etkinleştirir

Windows Etkinleştirme ve/veya Office’i başka bir şekilde okuyun (otomatik güncelleme)!

Mart ve Mayıs 2019’da abbodi1406’da yayınlandı

Activator CMD Windows 10 1809 and Office 2019

Rating 47 1

  1. Activator CMD Windows 10 1809 and Office 2019 Torrent Indir
  2. Activator CMD Windows 10 1809 and Office 2019 Indir


GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows torrent

Scarica Torrent

GIMP è un editor di immagini della piattaforma disponibile per Windows, OS X, GNU/Linux la maggior parte dei sistemi operativi. È un’applicazione gratuita, è possibile modificare il numero di origine distribuire le modifiche.

L’idoneità di GIMP per l’uso in ambienti professionali viene regolarmente rivista; viene spesso confrontato consigliato come alternativa ad Adobe Photoshop. GIMP ha le stesse funzionalità di Photoshop, ma ha un’interfaccia utente diversa.

Che tu sia un artista, un fotografo, un pittore uno scienziato, GIMP ti fornisce attrezzature all’avanguardia per portare a termine il tuo lavoro. Puoi migliorare ulteriormente la tua produttività con GIMP grazie alle sue numerose opzioni di personalizzazione ai plug-in di terze parti.

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Controllo della qualità dell’immagine

GIMP fornisce gli strumenti necessari per la manipolazione delle immagini di alta qualità. Dal catering al catering al design creativo, l’unico limite è la tua immaginazione.

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Creazione di un vero lavoro

GIMP offre agli artisti la potenza la flessibilità per trasformare le immagini in creazioni uniche.

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Caratteristiche di progettazione dell’immagine

GIMP viene utilizzato per creare icone, oggetti in formato immagine arte dell’interfaccia utente strumenti di ricerca.

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Open Hub:

GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows

Rating 24 0

  1. GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows torrent
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Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM en-US DEC 2020 {Gen2} Indir Torrent

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Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM ve ABD Aralık 2020

Sürüm 20H2 Yapı

* Dosya:

* Boyut: 6.22GB

* Biçim: önyüklenebilir ISO

* CRC32: fdf7bd51

* MD5: e99af86a19d9076da05878ad3d0a2fef

* SHA-1: 184b4806360d9b00414d02b40760c1731656dfe8

Entegre / önceden yüklenmiş:

* Hizmet yığını güncellemesi:

* KB4593175

* Toplu güncelleme:

* KB4592438

* NET Çerçevesi

için toplu güncelleme

* NET Framework ve:

* KB4586876

Kurulumu Tamamla / Kurulumu kur:

* Savunucuların yaptığı güncellemeler


* Windows 10 Home – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Pro- – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Eğitim – STD / DLA

* Windows 10 Kurumsal – STD / DLA

* STD = Standart kurulum – Kendi lisans anahtarına sahip olanlar için

* DLA = Dijital Lisans Aktivasyonu (HWID)

* OEM – kurulum sırasında otomatik olarak etkinleştirilir

* orijinal ekipmanda aynı sürüm

* UEFI revizyonu

* UEFI desteği için paylaşıldı (FAT32)

* (UEFI’yi önyüklenebilir hale getirmek için ekli Rufus USB aracını kullanın)

* Rufus ile önyüklenebilir USB (şiddetle tavsiye edilir) oluşturun,

* (ekli) veya DVD-DL’de düşük hızda yazdırıldı.

* Windows_Addict, Windows Aktivasyon Komut Dosyasının yazarı

* Umarım bu sayıyı beğenirsiniz!


* 2. Nesil

Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM ESD tr-US MART 2021

Sürüm 20H2 Yapı

* Dosya:

* Boyut: 4,95 GB

* Biçim: önyüklenebilir ISO

* CRC32: a8124520

* MD5: 15151657393fef0be3756760851a88bb

* SHA-1: 09a9c5c9e343f8579c2cb886ce550f58b44c0ae1

Entegre / önceden yüklenmiş:

* Toplu güncelleme:

* KB5000802

* NET Çerçevesi

için toplu güncelleme

* NET Framework ve:

* KB4601554

Kurulumu Tamamla / Kurulumu kur:

* Savunucuların yaptığı güncellemeler


* Windows 10 Home – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Pro- – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Eğitim – STD / DLA

* Windows 10 Kurumsal – STD / DLA

* STD = Standart kurulum – Kendi lisans anahtarına sahip olanlar için

* DLA = Dijital Lisans Aktivasyonu (HWID)

* OEM – kurulum sırasında otomatik olarak etkinleştirilir

* orijinal ekipmanda aynı sürüm

* UEFI revizyonu

* (UEFI’yi önyüklenebilir hale getirmek için ekli Rufus USB aracını kullanın)

* Tanılama ve Kurtarma Araç Seti (yalnızca)

* (s) kurtarma formatına sıkıştırılmış ()

* Rufus ile önyüklenebilir USB (şiddetle tavsiye edilir) oluşturun,

* (ekli) veya DVD-DL’de düşük hızda yazdırıldı.

* Windows_Addict, Windows Aktivasyon Komut Dosyasının yazarı

* Umarım bu sayıyı beğenirsiniz!


* 2. Nesil

Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM en-US DEC 2020 {Gen2}

Rating 20 1

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Google Earth Download Torrent

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The free Earth search tool Google Earth is a free PROGRAM that allows you to explore the world in depth. Created by Google, the application is available for devices with Android, Apple Mac, Google Chrome, iOS, Linux and Microsoft Windows. This application is a popular tool used for technical and entertainment purposes to better understand the nature and culture of our website, can I open Google Earth? The free platform can be used directly on computer devices to begin research. Google Earth is not an easy application due to the large amount of information stored in the application. Satellite images are taken from the sky to see the planets as a whole and in detail, as well as the coordinates of the place where the arrow is placed (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); You can see the Earth against the massive base of stellar space. Humans can have a 360-degree view of the universe by holding down the touch button or the left mouse button to move the sphere in the desired direction. Do you see the ice-covered areas in the northern and southern hemispheres of the world and all the places I see at home on Google Earth? While looking at the Earth from a satellite image from a distance can make the planet look understandable, people can look at the landscape to discover how vast the universe is. The software facilitates detection. If users are interested in seeing what their home looks like from above or from a street view, they can enter the address in the search bar to be redirected quickly, the app launches the viewer to its destination. It is possible to view the scene in 2D or 3D images. By switching between these two perspectives, people can lean in and find a place in the three dimensions. The 3D view raises mountains, trees, buildings, can be visualized with real topography using arrows and a trackpad or mouse button. Once they arrivein their favorite places, users can click on the icon with someone to launch Local Image Services in the app. The map will show light blue lines and dots that can be selected to point them to the nearby Google Earth community. Members of the Google Earth community select the blue scene and then appear on the site from the app and have the opportunity to see a 360-degree view of the action. And the blue lines, right? Can people see the dive theme and use the arrows to move forward with the will to use Google Earth without downloading it? To have the most user-friendly experience, you need to download Google Earth. Due to the large amount of data in the platform, opening Google Earth in a web browser link will result in delays. Can software respond quickly to inspiration and upload sites, resulting in the most amazing themes in Google Earth in real time? Although the application is very interesting, Google Earth does not store or display images or video images in real time. An interesting feature offered by Google Earth is to see how maps have changed over time. The image collection includes aerial, satellite, street views and 3D images. Not all Google Earth images are captured entirely by Google. The community can find photos of places taken by people using the app. In addition, users can upload photos of their experiences on plain maps. The application allows users to customize their maps. This feature is available in the Projects section. Select the New Project button. To specify and add details to the layout, all you have to do is tap the pencil icon. Then go to the search bar to find the right destination to include in this presentation. The Add to Project button is located below the areas you chose to addthis site to the project, users can specify the name and select the appropriate project from the drop-down menu. To complete the process of adding this location to the presentation, you need to tap Save. When searching for a map, people can find an area they want to add to their historical works, allowing the community to fix a specific area. Once the marking is set, a window will appear inviting people to indicate the action. These different parts can be changed in the project. You can include descriptive text, general symbols, personal photos, and videos, and you can also focus on adjusting the default views of places to shapes, lines, and street views. Changes made to projects are documented in real time. Alternatively, you can consider sharing the creation with others by selecting the Share Project button and entering the desired email address or copying a shared link. By clicking the Now button and then the arrows, creators can take a good look at their World Trails. In the Travel section, users can choose guided tours from the categories: Nature, Sports, Layers, Street View, Culture, Travel, and Education. These trips immerse people in new areas of the world. Teachers use this service to expand the awareness of their students on planetary programs: ArcGIS, Bing Maps, Wander and QGISlet Earth view maps. Google Earth Engine, Google Maps and Google Earth Pro is a free add-on application that Google offers to the public. With all the previously mentioned Google applications, QGIS is free. ArcGIS, Bing Maps and Wander have paid for their geographic information. The real world of Google Earth has almost transformed the world to provide amazing street and 3D views in an intuitive interface. The software provides a large number of creative tools such as personal presentations. Yes! Can people findthis free search app with the new PC, Mac, iPad and Android? Google regularly provides platform updates in addition to the Voyager module, an improved user interface, and more. You can visit their website.

Google Earth

Rating 21 5

  1. Google Earth Maestro Download
  2. Google Earth 32/64 Bit fast-dl Torrent Download


Bijoy Bayanno Free Download Torrent

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Bangla Bijoy Bayanno Simple Documentation Entry is a system service that allows you to type Bengali characters directly using the keyboard. Developed by Mustafa Jabbar and released in 2009, this handy application is a writing program that produces identical Unicode fonts for Bengali and Bengali. It is similar in nature to the Avro keyboard, however it is not open source and may not be easy for most Bengali users, also known as Bangla, it is the official and most widely spoken language in Bangladesh. The Bengali system or document is italicized, so it cannot be found by default on most computer systems, even if you open the Character Map. Fortunately, there is a Bengali writing program available in a variety of forms. One is Bijoy Bayanno or Bijoy 52, which is easy to use and allows you to quickly switch between Bengali and (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); This software contains the basic functions that most writing tools have. You can use it offline and also convert the support to Non-Unicode or ANSI. Also, there are PDF writing documents for this that you can use to insert words or phrases without spelling everything. However, these tools come bundled with software and only this tool is easy to do. After opening the file, use the EXE file, which will start the installation. Note that you must have the Microsoft .NET Framework; otherwise, you will be prompted to download it first. Then you can select your operating system in the installation process, run the program after finishing and enter the activation key found in the attached text, many advanced services, Bijoy Bayanno are essential tools for anyone who needs to type characters in Bengali . However, this app may not seem like enough as it doesn’t have the other advanced features that other similar programs have. Together, it’s not easy to set up by dialing, making other apps a better option for those looking for more versatility. However, if you need simple tools, this is a good start.

Bijoy Bayanno

Rating 32 2

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  2. Bijoy Bayanno Torrent


Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTi-7 JAN 2020 {Gen2} torrent descargar

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* Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTi-7 ENERO DE 2020

* Versión 1909 Build

* Archivo:

* Tamaño: 4,58 GB

* Formato: inicio ISO

* CRC32: b5d5bb48

* MD5: 6c12a5af01136f88f80ab8a4e53058d8

* SHA-1: 901f35901af5493ba0df2e6fb00c5b6f5cd91345


Integrado / preinstalado:

* Actualización de la pila de servicios:

* KB4524569

* Actualización acumulativa:

* KB4532695

* .NET Framework

* Actualización acumulativa para

* .NET Framework y:

* KB4534132

* Actualización de seguridad de Flash Player:

* KB4516115

Instalación Completa / posterior a la instalación:

* Actualizaciones del defensor








* Windows 10 Pro – STD

* Windows 10 Pro – PARA

* Windows 10 Pro – OEM

* STD = instalación estándar – para personas con su propia clave de licencia

* DLA = Habilitar licencia digital (HWID)

* OEM: se activa automáticamente durante la instalación

* misma versión, equipo original

* UEFI listo

* (Utilice la utilidad USB Rufus incluida para iniciar UEFI)

* Kit de herramientas de diagnóstico reparación (Microsoft DaRT)

* comprimido en formato de recuperación ()

* Cree un USB de arranque (muy recomendado) con Rufus,

* (activado) grabación de DVD-DL a baja velocidad.

* WindowsAddict, autor del script de activación de Windows

* ¡Espero que les guste esta edición!

* Para entender,

* Generación 2

Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTi-7 JAN 2020 {Gen2}

Rating 36 4

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  2. Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTi-7 JAN 2020 {Gen2} Descargar


Bluetooth Driver Installer full download

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Bluetooth Troubleshooting A Bluetooth driver installer is a software for your computer that tries to detect and solve problems with the Bluetooth driver. If you do not have the right or latest driver, you can install the software on your computer. If there is an error in the existing driver, this application will work fine with Bluetooth. Using Bluetooth on your computer is an easy way to transfer files or connect to other devices. Some computers have Bluetooth as an integrated service, while others use a Bluetooth computer adapter to take advantage of this technology. Either way, you need the right drivers to work (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Errors can occur when the operating system does not recognize the adapter or cannot connect via Bluetooth. This is when the Bluetooth driver installer will be ready. If there is a problem, this program will fix a bug in the file which may prevent successful installation. The process is simple and quick and you do not have to be a tech expert to follow instructions. Detect and connect whether you are using Windows 10, Windows 8 or earlier, this software can also find an alternative driver if you cannot find one of the adapters. Available in 64 and 32 bits. This will automatically detect the device you are using. Once you discover what you are using, it will install the appropriate driver so you can use Bluetooth. The app works with most Bluetooth adapters, but not all of them. The interface is simple, which makes it easy to use the software. The main part of the app that the user should contact is the wizard. Because the software makes it much harder to find and find the right driver, all you need to do is click on the screens displayed on the detection and installation assistant. This process usually takes a few minutes and finally gives you a detailed report showing the model of the device, the manufacturer and other important information. Reset if it does not work. An interesting feature of this app is that it provides a recovery step. Since the installer will install the file or replace the driver, it makes changes to the system registry that you want to ignore. Before making any changes, a restore point is created, which means that you are using the recovery option to return to that point if something goes wrong. The app itself can be quickly downloaded and installed. You may be given additional installation programs and ways to change your browser preferences, but there are checkboxes. The software requires little space on your computer and is fast and efficient when used. Use Bluetooth technology If you have a Bluetooth driver on your computer, it may help to connect to other devices and transfer files. You need a driver to monitor and connect to that function. Here are some tools that are useful for using this technology. Before analyzing the need for this configuration, you may want to make sure you have a Bluetooth driver. This driver is fast to install and works with different dongles. Your computer is set up and ready to connect to other Bluetooth devices, such as a printer, so you can perform operations or transfer files. After using Bluetooth features on your computer, you may want a simple interface to help you transfer files. Sgon Bluetooth Sender is a lightweight app that helps you send media files with Bluetooth. You can see everything you need in the main interface and edit ita wide range of Bluetooth signal. If you are not just worried about your Bluetooth drivers, there is an app that helps you upgrade the various drivers that you use on your computer. Free Driver Driver searches your computer for outdated drivers, automatically detects and downloads new searches, and creates a restore point whenever it is convenient and easy to use. The Bluetooth driver installer removes the estimate of why your Bluetooth is not working. This can happen for a number of reasons, but don’t worry, the file will be pasted or the appropriate driver will be installed. Step-by-step assistants are easy to follow and work very fast. The latest version has smaller versions that slightly change the look of the app and how it recognizes and configures the latest versions of Windows.

Bluetooth Driver Installer

Rating 30 5

  1. Bluetooth Driver Installer download
  2. Bluetooth Driver Installer x86-x64 Download


Windows 10 Activator torrent download

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Windows 10 Activator

Microsoft Toolkit – a multifunctional KMS activator for Windows Vista, 7, Windows 8 / Server, 2012 and Office 2010/2013. Includes a set of tools to manage licenses and activations. It can be used with KMS support even if you are using a retail license. This is how we got an activator for modern products from Microsoft.


Microsoft .NET Framework or (No)

For Microsoft Office 2010 or later Office Toolkit support

For Windows Vista or later Windows Toolkit support

KMSpico – is a suitable tool to activate the final version of Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013. The activator does not require user intervention, the whole activation process takes place in the background, run the activator and check for a few minutes to check the activation status of Windows and / or Office.


.NET or Windows 8/2012.

NOTE. For some users KMSpico works, while for some the Microsoft Toolkit works just fine, so take your chance and let us know in the comments.

Windows 10 Activator

Rating 46 1

  1. Windows 10 Activator torrent download
  2. Windows 10 Activator torrent
